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Giorgia was born on the 4th September at 23+6, weighing 625 gr.
Hardly made it through intubation and moved to Cpap on the 14th November.
She had always terrible lungs and developed severe BPD.
Slowly she was weaning from Cpap too, it looked like by this period she would manage to move to High Flows.
Unfortunately she had Pneumonia in the end of January and went back to high Cpap settings.
Then she appeared to have signs of PH during February. On the 1st March was intubated and was given iNO for a week and after for 3 weeks more.
Her lungs slowly killed her heart too.
On the 1st April she had her third heart failure. She looked like she recovered from it too, but on Sunday morning the 2nd April she worsened a lot.
She was brought to my arms from the nurses and had bradycardia after a minute, from which she didn’t make it. The doctors and us were astonished, nobody was expecting her not to make it.
Giorgia was an amazing fighter, playful, who would smile at us everytime she could it to give us hope ad strength.
This world didn’t deserve her.
Now she is protecting us from up there.
Mom and Dad will have her in our hearts forever, and wait for the day we will meet again.

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