February 2022 – Preemie Genius

My Very Little Sister and the Very Big Story
Author: Alina Brett

Website: www.brettbooks.co.uk

Author and Big Sister, Alina captures the world of the NICU through a child’s eyes. Such a sweet and honest account of what it is like for young siblings when a baby brother or sister is born early. The illustrations are adorable and tug on the heartstrings.

We recommend adding this book to your preemie collection!

Note from Author’s mom, Amy Brett: My youngest daughter was born at 24 weeks in June 2019 and spent 5 months in NICU. My eldest was only 3 at the time and suffered a lot from the experience. We created a book together (dictated and illustrated by my eldest, edited by me and designed by my husband) called My Very Little Sister and the Very Big Story to help siblings of NICU babies who go through similar experiences. We’ve distributed free copies to every neonatal unit in England and sell the book for £5.99 to individuals with all profit going to the Early Birth Association who supported us when my daughter was born.

The book can be purchased from the website here https://www.brettbooks.co.uk/bookshop
And the Facebook page gives much more information about our journey and the creation of the book https://m.facebook.com/brettbooks