November 2020 – A Note from Jenny

At 26 weeks gestation, at a routine checkup, my doctor could not locate my son’s heartbeat. I was immediately placed in an ambulance and rushed to the nearest hospital and prepped for surgery. I remember pleading with the OR nurse, “he’s not ready yet. It isn’t time,” though I knew this was Joshua’s only chance of survival. Thus began our preemie story that continues today, eight years later.

We all have our own special stories. We all understand heartbreak and pride. We are preemie parents.

Throughout Prematurity Awareness Month and on November 17th, World Prematurity Day, PreemieWorld is shining a spotlight on this maternal and infant health crisis. Help us by sharing your story on social media. Tag PreemieWorld on all your preemie stories and pictures so that we can share them throughout the month of November!