June 2020 – A Note from Jenny

Falling down the rabbit hole of NICU life while pasting on an “I’m okay,” smile throughout Joshua’s 129-days in the NICU; that’s what I felt was expected of me. If I didn’t have it all together then I wouldn’t be able to care for my medically fragile baby. Through the trauma of his early birth to a brain hemorrhage and more, I muscled through. Once we got Joshua home, I realized, “I’m not okay.”

Sound familiar? According to a recent study, almost 60% of parents whose infant was in the NICU developed Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). June 27th is PTSD Awareness Day, which helps bring to light some of the symptoms, signs and treatment options for PTSD.

Inspire Network: The Preemie Inspire Network, led by Deb Discenza is a FREE virtual support group. Don’t be afraid to reach out and ask for help. Get to know a community of parents who get it. https://www.inspire.com/groups/preemie/