May 2021 – After the NICU

Jenny R. McCormick, Senior Editor of PreemieWorld

Bereaved Mother’s Day is celebrated the Sunday before Mother’s Day. This celebration is for all mothers who have lost a child due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or death. How can you support a grieving mother on this day? Here are some suggestions:

  • Give a gift or letter to a bereaved mother: Show your empathy and appreciation to a bereaved mother with a heartfelt letter or a small gift. Recognize the day by reminding them that they are seen and loved.
  • Know the right ways to comfort: Sometimes the most well intentioned words can sting. Grieving mothers can feel vulnerable and rightly so. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all. Sometimes a silent presence offers the best form of comfort.
  • Say their name: The best thing you can do for a grieving parent is to talk about the child. When you speak about children who died, you acknowledge their existence, and affirm their impact (however brief) on the world.
  • Go out in nature: Sometimes a stroll through a park can do wonders for the spirit. Also consider giving the bereaved mother a small plant or a small tree to plant in their child’s honor.
  • Message & release: Release a ​flying wish paper​ (an alternative to releasing balloons and is more eco-friendly) with a special message written on it.
  • Do nothing together: Because some years, the level energies just aren’t there and that’s perfectly okay.